Masked Dance
There are four folk-drama forms:kolam,sokari, nadagan and pasu. Best known is the kolam (Tamil for costume or guise). Kolam has many characters - one estimate puts them at 53 - many of which are grotesque, with exaggerated deformities. These are the demons, who may have a cobra emerging from one nostril, bulging eyes or tusks.Performance are traditionally held at the New Year, over a period of thress to five nights. Included in the coast of performersare singers, two drummers and a master of ceremonies. The Whole thing kicks off with songs in praise of the Buddha. The master of ceremonies. The whole thing kicks off with songs in praise of the Buddha. The master of ceremonies then explains how the kolam began (an including king's wife had carving while pregnant to see a masked dance-drama).
Traditionally, devil dancing is performed to free a person from demons, evil spirits or just plain bad luck caused by malignant spirit. The devil dancers themselves belong to a low-caste community and specialise in this art form. There are many types of devil dance. One, the sanni yakku, is performed to exorcise the disease demon. The demon is represented by a range of characters including a pregnant woman and a mother. Other ances include the kohomba kankariya, which is performed to ensure prosperity, and the bali, which is performed for the benifit of havenit beings.
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